International Cybersecurity Legal News Update

Cybersecurity Act of 2012 Back, but Same Problems and Questions Remain (blog)
Senate majority leader Harry Reid (D–NV) has vowed to bring the Cybersecurity Act of 2012 (CSA) up for a vote in the lame-duck session, and it looks as though the vote could take place this week.
US-Canada Integrated Cybersecurity Agenda
Bay Area Indymedia
Under the guise of cybersecurity, the U.S. and Canada have been individually pushing draconian legislation domestically which would grant government agencies sweeping new powers. The implications would be far reaching and pose a risk to privacy.
DHS aims to hire 600 cybersecurity pros — if it can find them
November 13, 2012 — CSO — The Obama administration is hoping to make good on its promise to create new jobs — in this case, 600 of them in cybersecurity. 
The Alarming Trend of Cybersecurity Breaches and Failures in the US
This summer, the Cybersecurity Act of 2012 (CSA) failed to pass the Senate, with Democrats and Republicans alike voting against the bill. The overriding concern was that the regulatory approach of the bill would be ineffective at best and harmful at worst.
The Elections and Cybersecurity
Network World
When President Obama was reelected last week, political pundits quickly turned to speculation and prognostication. Was the president’s reelection tantamount to a mandate? Would the election motivate both parties away from partisanship ?
NSA: Looking for a few good cybersecurity professionals
Network World
Network World – At a time when cyberattacks on America’s critical infrastructure have increased 17-fold (between 2009 and 2011), the need for highly trained cybersecurity professionals is acute. However, 83% of federal hiring managers in a recent
Senate readies for fight over cybersecurity surveillance
CNET (blog)
has inserted the cybersecurity bill into the Senate’s post-election calendar, and a vote could happen as early as this week after debate on a proposal to open more public land for hunting and fishing. That move has reignited a long-simmering dispute
Governor launches cyber security training program
WNEM Saginaw
The program offers students and Internet technology professionals a full curriculum of meetings and workshops as well as critical cybersecurity training and awareness tools. The new cyber range serves as a central resource hub and a partner in
Seven 2013 Cybersecurity Predictions from Websense Security Labs
Sacramento Bee
SAN DIEGO, Nov. 13, 2012 — /PRNewswire/ — From mass compromises of WordPress to a spear-phishing attack on the White House, there is no doubt cybercriminals gained confidence and momentum in 2012. To help organizations prepare for next year, the
Researcher to tackle cyber security for North American power grid
In response, Waterfall Security Solutions has announced a $234,000 donation to Michigan Technological University, in support of Dr. Chee-Wooi Ten’s research into the cyber-security of the North American power grid. Dr. Ten’s research addresses these